B Corp
Greenheart is an early adopter, and firm supporter of, B Corp Certification. In our view, there is no other framework that provides such a holistic assessment of a company’s impact or the ability to have that independently verified. B Corp is also a movement, a global community of leaders with a shared vision of a inclusive, regenerative economy. We are proud to be counted in their number.
We first certified as a B Corp in 2017, in the second UK cohort when fewer than 150 companies had the certification. Our score then was 80.9.
In 2020 we re-certified for the first time with a score of 105.9; by then we had established an ongoing commitment to charitable giving as well as services designed to improve the impact of our clients. In short, Greenheart was verified as a company whose model was designed to create positive impact.
In our latest re-certification, 2023, we achieved a score of 128.1 reflecting our ongoing commitment to the wellbeing and collective impact of our entire ecosystem.
You can read our full and transparent B Corp profile here.

Our Impact Report
We are proud to share the highs and lows of our impact journey openly and authentically – you can read our latest Impact Report here.

Other initiatives
Greenheart is also: